Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Halfway there

I'm having a mini celebration for myself today. Week 12 of chemo, my halfway point is done: August 21, 2012. 50% done, in the bag, and behind me. Wooo-weee!!

Taxol, no offense but I hope to never ever have to see you again. Ever. Thank you for doing your job, but I don't want to ever see my or anyone I know's name next to your's.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Taking its toll

Alright, chemo you win. After 11 weeks of Taxol my body is finally exhibiting some major side effects. I know I should be thankful that it took this long (and I only have one treatment left of Taxol, then onto FEC) but man...this sucks. I feel like an 80-year old grandma with arthritis. My knees and my lower back hurt so much that I feel like I can't walk upright and definitely cannot pick up Sofia. I just got off the phone with the doctor and she said to swim and take lots of Advil to ease the inflammation; got it, Doc!! Except that I feel like shit and I don't want to do anything but lay down and my body hurts too much to lay down. Power through, power through...I keep telling myself this as my body aches and begs me to stop pumping it full of drugs.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My sweet darling kids

I had my 9th treatment today and learned that because I skipped my 4th treatment I have to make it up on the back-end. No big deal though and still doesn't change my November 2nd date.

Yesterday Anabelle and I were hanging out in our bed and she snuggled up close to me and said, "I'm sorry you have to have chemo, mom. But your hair will start growing back for Christmas, right?"

Even Sofia this afternoon saw my bandage over my port and pulled down my shirt and asked, "Mommy, ouchy? Me ouchy too," pointing to her chest and then gave me a hug.

It breaks my heart that the girls even have to think and process this illness but also completely warms and makes me feel so incredibly loved.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2 more to go...then 4 more...

Yesterday was my 8th treatment (9th week). I have 2 more treatments to go on this cycle, then it's onto FEC...which is just 4 treatments over the course of 3 months. I saw my Oncologist yesterday who told me she doesn't need to see me until I start the FEC cycle because I'm doing so well; yay me! My lymph-nodes are so small that on a 'healthy' person it wouldn't be anything suspicious and my tumor is almost impalpable. My response to the chemo says a lot for my long-term prognosis, which is great news.

I've marked November 2, 2012 as my LAST DAY OF CHEMO, and am counting down the weeks. We are meeting with the Radiation Oncologist next Monday about my radiation plan after chemo and then we'll meet with the Plastic Surgeon and the Breast Oncologist Surgeon again to map out my surgical plan. I feel like I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel even though I still have a long road ahead.