Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chemo side effects

Before I started chemo, I was afraid of the side effects you hear about all the time: nausea, vomiting and the hair loss. No one told me about chemo effecting my temper, patience and general inability to deal with stressful situations. I am doing the best I can, but just feel like a wreck sometimes. Hopefully I'll be back to 'normal' by next year when I'm done with the chemo treatments.


  1. Hi Kana,
    I don't know if you remember me, but I was in Yumi's class and we played volleyball together. Just wanted to send you some hugs and support! Your strength is such a great example to your beautiful girls. -Marisa (Rogoway) James

  2. You'll be better than normal... because Chemo-Brain won't let you remember how terrible you felt :) Hang in there! You're doing so well!!!
