Thursday, September 27, 2012

House Arrest

It's been a week and a two days since my last chemo infusion. I was under house-arrest until this morning to make sure I give my body a chance to recover; my counts need a chance to come back up without being exposed to germs. My body is the weakest on days 5-7 after chemo, but we're being extra safe because of what happened last time. House-arrest was boring and tiring. I was so bored two days ago that I even ironed our sheets and duvet cover (embarrassing that I just admitted that to the public).

My chemo regime was changed due to my hospitalization:

  • A 20% reduction of Epirubicen;
  • elimination of the extra 5FU infusion on Fridays; and 
  • instead of the Neulasta shot on the Saturday after infusion, I have Neupogen shots for five days starting the day after my chemo infusion 
The week following chemo was miserable. I felt like a truck ran me over and I drank a bottle of tequila all by myself every night. The nausea was almost unbearable. I could barely talk, let alone move. Every move I made - whether it was getting out of bed or getting off the couch I felt like I was on the verge of throwing up my entire stomach. I lost almost 10 pounds by Sunday because all I ate was a bowl of porridge and water a day. I am deathly afraid of the third cycle because chemo has a cumulative effect, but only two more left so I can't complain, right?  

After my hospitalization, I decided to go back on medical leave until I can get through the remainder of my chemo treatments. I feel a little bit like a failure that I couldn't work through this, but this is not a time to try to be a super-hero, over-achiever, right? I just need to get over it and realize my body's limitations. Argh. 


  1. I'm liking the comment above

    Ironing your sheets? I would've been watching TV all day/being a super slacker in any way possible.

  2. i agree with regina and sonja. i would have had the kardashians on marathon if i were home for that long. you are so strong, super-kana! we can't wait to see you, jm, sofia and anabelle in december. lots of love from the freezing people of ulaanbaatar.

  3. Agreed as well! Thinking of you, Kana & sending tons of positive thoughts & hope your way. You're an inspiration! :-)
