Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kicking cancer's ass

I'm here at the Stanford Infusion Center getting my third chemo treatment. I just saw my Oncology team and some more good news to report: tumor shrank yet again and is now approximately 1cm. Go chemo! Kick that cancer's ass!! The Nurse said this is one of the best results to chemotherapy she's seen in a long time; yay me!

Chemo days are always long. I'm usually at the hospital for about 5-6 hours. First, I go to the Oncology lab and get my port access put in, and my blood drawn. The blood is sent in for a full panel to make sure I'm healthy enough for chemo. I then see my Oncologist and Nurse. They ask me how I'm doing, check my tumor and my lymph nodes to see how they've reacted to chemo, go over my blood test results and answer any questions I have. Once I get sign off from my Oncologist, I'm off to the Infusion center across the street where I sit in a lazy boy recliner for 3-4 hours and get a whole recipe of drugs through my port. Today, we have a Harpist joining us in the Infusion Center; although only for a mere 10 minutes we all got to close our eyes and feel like we were at the symphony instead of getting chemo.

Usually on the second day after chemo, I actually feel the drugs attacking the tumor site. I feel little needle pricks right where the tumor is; the drugs working hard doing their job. It is an amazing feeling.

It is surreal that I have cancer. I still ask why and how, even though I now know I have the BRCA gene mutation I still ask why. I don't believe this is happening until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and remember what I look like. It's hard to stay strong and smile through this crap but having so much support from all our family and friends helps so much.

Next week is JM's brother's wedding in Hawaii. I got the OK to go and also got cleared to get chemo a day early so we can be in Hawaii starting Tuesday. :) I considered not going, but why would I stay at home and feel sorry for myself? Why let cancer win and change my plans? F-you, cancer. I'm going to Hawaii and having fun and playing on the beach with my kids and maybe even having a glass of champagne to toast JR and Cecile. F-you, cancer! F-you!


  1. FU cancer! yay hawaii! have a great trip! xoxo

  2. That's right! Give cancer the bird!!!! Good work - you're another day closer to those perfect boobs...!

  3. how do you pass the time in the lazy boy? i have some movies i could send over.

  4. Great news Kana!! You are an inspiration to everyone with your strength and positivity. XoXo:)

  5. GO KANA!!!! Great news! You show this cancer who is boss!
    Have fun in Hawaii.
    Jaap-Willem, Elize and litte C

  6. You overachiever you!!! Hooray for Hawaii - have an amazing time and take LOTS of pics :)

  7. Go, Kana, go! Woohoo! Luke and I are rooting for you. I am so happy to hear that the treatment is going well, and will send good vibes your way. Love the pics of your new do. You have a perfectly-shaped head. :)

    Love and hugs,

    Suzanne (& Luke)
